Multiple Intelligence Test based on Howard Gardner's theory.
With it you can discover what your potentials are within the nine intelligences currently identified:
- Logical-Mathematical Intelligence
- Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence
- Musical-Rhythmic Intelligence
- Visual-Spatial Intelligence
- Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence
- Intrapersonal Intelligence
- Interpersonal Intelligence
- Naturalistic Intelligence
- Existential Intelligence
As a result you will have a detailed bar chart, plus a description of each intelligence.
Discover your intelligences right now with this updated test.
Important: This test does not replace the application by a professional and is intended only as entertainment and dissemination of the theory
Good luck!
Ujian Kecerdasan Pelbagai berdasarkan teori Howard Gardner.
Dengan itu anda boleh menemui apa potensi anda yang berada dalam sembilan kecerdasan kini dikenal pasti:
- Logik-Matematik Perisikan
- Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence
- Musical-Rhythmic Intelligence
- Visual-Spatial Intelligence
- Badan-Kinestetik Intelligence
- Intrapersonal Intelligence
- Interpersonal Intelligence
- naturalis Intelligence
- kewujudan Intelligence
Hasilnya anda akan mempunyai carta bar terperinci, ditambah penerangan setiap kecerdasan.
Perolehi kecerdasan anda sekarang dengan ujian ini dikemaskini.
Penting: Ujian ini tidak menggantikan permohonan profesional dan bertujuan hanya sebagai hiburan dan penyebaran teori
Semoga berjaya!